It’s 2015, What’s Your Resolution?

Posted: Thursday, January 15th, 2015 at 12:55 pm

It’s 2015, What’s Your Resolution? Image

It’s January 15th today, halfway through the first month of the new year. How many resolutions have you broken already? It seems we pick these silly resolutions that are more like a penance and are either not very achievable or are just not fun. It’s a new year, the slate has been wiped clean, make some resolutions that are not only achievable but memorable.

We live in a great place with unending outdoor possibilities, tap into that and use it as a source for the new year. Instead of the old “I’m going to lose 10,20, whatever pounds this year” try I’m going to hike 20 miles in a weekend, every weekend. The old resolution might just be a byproduct of the new and more rewarding resolution.

This year why not come up with five challenges for the year that you’ll talk about for years? This year I’m going to catch a fish every month. This year I’m going to climb a 5.12. This year I’m going to run an off trail half marathon. This year I’m going to do a week long river trip. This year I’m going to SKI every month at least once.

These are just a few ideas, make your own list. The world is your oyster and you only go ’round once!